We recently ran a survey of 4,000 Americans living in one person households to determine how many will plan on spending Christmas alone. We recognize that holidays can be particularly challenging for those experiencing loneliness, and we aim to provide a source of comfort through enjoyable activities like Solitaire, Spider Solitaire, or Freecell.

As part of our mission to help people find small joys in life, we wanted to better understand the scale of this issue. The alarming results are illustrated below.

Key Findings

High Prevalence of Solitude: The survey by Online-Solitaire.com revealed that approximately 19 million Americans are expected to spend Christmas alone.

State-wise Disparity: Oregon has the highest rate of solitary Christmas celebrants at 45% (533,786 adults), while Tennessee has the lowest at 12% (approximately 238,000 individuals).

Most Challenging Days to Spend Alone:

  • Christmas Day (42%): Highlighted due to its cultural significance.
  • Personal Birthdays (22%): Accentuating the personal aspect of celebration.
  • Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve (each 11%): Marked by the anticipation of festivities.
  • Thanksgiving (10%): Traditionally a family-oriented day.
  • Easter Sunday (2%): Associated with family and communal gatherings.

Coping Strategies:

  • Online gaming (26%)
  • Movie binge-watching (19%)
  • Engaging in hobbies (15%)
  • Cooking (15%)
  • Volunteering (11%)
  • Reading (8%)
  • Participating in online communities (6%)

Community Spirit: 88% of those surveyed who will be with family said they would invite a neighbor known to be alone to join them for Christmas.

Implications of the Study

  • Public Mental Health Concern: The widespread issue of loneliness, especially during festive seasons, underscores a significant public health concern, impacting mental well-being.
  • Importance of Social Connectivity: The disparity between states indicates varying levels of social isolation, highlighting the need for stronger community networks and support systems, particularly in high-risk areas.
  • Cultural Impact of Holidays: The emphasis on certain days as particularly challenging for those alone reflects the deep cultural and emotional significance of these occasions, suggesting a societal norm that may unintentionally exclude or marginalize individuals.
  • Coping Mechanisms and Mental Health: The varied coping strategies reveal how individuals adapt to solitude, offering insights into mental health resilience and the potential therapeutic value of activities like online gaming, movies, and hobbies.
  • Potential for Community Engagement: The high willingness to include neighbors in holiday celebrations points to an untapped potential for fostering community spirit and reducing isolation during festive seasons.
  • Call for Greater Awareness: The survey highlights the need for greater awareness and proactive measures to support those alone during holidays, emphasizing the role of community involvement and the importance of extending kindness and inclusion to those who might be silently struggling.


Online panel survey of 4,000 adults living in one person households, based on age, gender, and geography. Internal data sources are used to obtain population data sets. We used a two-step process to ensure representativeness through stratified sampling and post-stratification weighting.